Monday, September 8, 2014

android ids.xml not translate error


when used android google play game sdk,add ids.xml to res/,then get bellow error message:

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
"app_id" is not translated in "af" (Afrikaans), "ar" (Arabic), "az" (Azerbaijani), "be" (Belarusian), "bg" (Bulgarian), "bn" (Bengali), "bs" (Bosnian), "ca" (Catalan), "cs" (Czech), "cy" (Welsh), "da" (Danish), "de" (German), "el" (Greek), "eo" (Esperanto), "es" (Spanish), "es-rUS" (Spanish: United States), "et" (Estonian), "eu" (Basque), "fa" (Persian), "fi" (Finnish), "fr" (French), "ga" (Irish), "gl" (Galician), "gu" (Gujarati), "ha" (Hausa), "hi" (Hindi), "hr" (Croatian), "ht" (Haitian), "hu" (Hungarian), "hy" (Armenian), "id" (Indonesian), "ig" (Igbo), "is" (Icelandic), "it" (Italian), "iw" (Hebrew), "ja" (Japanese), "jw", "ka" (Georgian), "km" (Khmer), "kn" (Kannada), "ko" (Korean), "la" (Latin), "lo" (Lao), "lt" (Lithuanian), "lv" (Latvian), "mi" (Māori), "mk" (Macedonian), "mn" (Mongolian), "mr" (Marathi), "ms" (Malay), "mt" (Maltese), "nb" (Norwegian Bokm?l), "ne" (Nepali), "nl" (Dutch), "no" (Norwegian), "pa" (Panjabi), "pl" (Polish), "pt" (Portuguese), "ro" (Romanian), "ru" (Russian), "sk" (Slovak), "sl" (Slovene), "so" (Somali), "sq" (Albanian), "sr" (Serbian), "sv" (Swedish), "sw" (Swahili), "ta" (Tamil), "te" (Telugu), "th" (Thai), "tl" (Tagalog), "tr" (Turkish), "uk" (Ukrainian), "ur" (Urdu), "vi" (Vietnamese), "yi" (Yiddish), "yo" (Yorùbá), "zh-rCN" (Chinese: China), "zh-rTW" (Chinese: Taiwan, Province of China), "zu" (Zulu) ids.xml /Snake/res/values line 3 Android Lint Problem



old xml files:

<string name="app_id">15921771863</string>

new xml files:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<resources xmlns:tools="" tools:ignore="TypographyDashes">
<string name="app_id" translatable="false">15921771863</string>

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