Monday, June 3, 2013

windows8 hyper-v network share operator log


my hyper-v and vmware confit,so i uninstall vmware,and reinstall hyper-v,i had install windows phone sdk to develop, then i uninstall all network i don’t known how to setting them.


reinstall hyper-v,and open visual studio 2012,then debug with windows phone 8 emulator,this can fixed setup Hyper-v virtual ethernet adavpter. And i try some operator,and now ok. i want to remember the relative with them.


3.1 Hyper-v virtual switcher setting:


Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch // Internal switcher

Realtek PCIe GBE 系列控制器 虚拟交换机 // External network + Realtek PCIe GBE serial controller + Allow administrative share this advapter

3.2 System device:

in my computer’s Device Manager:


this picture show that:my network adapter,have:

Hyper-V virtual Ethernet Advapter #2  //(Visual studio 2012 and windows phone sdk helper installed)
Hyper-V virtual Ethernet Advapter #3 //(Visual studio 2012 and windows phone sdk helper installed)
Microsoft Kernel debug netowrk advapter //(system reserve)
Realtek PCIe GBE serial controller //(physical network card)

3.3 System network connection:



3.3.1 vEthernet (Internal Ethernet Port Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch):


this ip is not setting by us,it can setting by system when you share network from vEthernet (Realtek PCIe GBE 系列控制器 虚拟交换机).

3.3.2 vEthernet (Realtek PCIe GBE 系列控制器 虚拟交换机):


共享(share)is allow other user share your computer’s network,in my screen shot,there is no select operator ui for network to share, but it can work.after you share network to  vEthernet (Internal Ethernet Port Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch),the latter’s ip will be auto setting to

3.3.3 以太网: (Ethernet)


3.4 virtual machine network setting


the virtual switcher option for virtual machine is setting for Internal Ethernet Port Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch.

then it can work fine.

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