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Hello lian deliang,
8,000 winners in Google's GlassExplorer program have been chosen to receive Google Glass before us regular schmucks. The majority of winners have large Twitter followers, and will thus be able to disseminate pictures of themselves eating cupcakes while wearing Google Glasses a whole lot quicker than those who aren't as well established on the Twittersphere. But a few winners are actually genuine celebrities. Like, Emmy Award-winning celebrities.
Best regards,
the entire AndroidPIT-Team

App of the Week – MeteoEarth
Taking weather forecasting to the next level, MeteoEarth draws its information from the same source as tons of TV channels, just for you on your smartphone. It got rid of the standard grid and gives you worlds of weather info on an active map. Press play to see the 3D map show temperature, along with precipitation, clouds, wind and pressure over the next 24 hours. Dressing for the weather was never this easy.
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Radar Speedcamera Alert Pro
Don't let the price scare you away, this app might save you hundreds of speeding tickets and fines. Stay alert with warning and alarms that show radar proximity. This app provides with messages not just of fixed,traffic or mobile radars, it also shows you dangerous points, black spots and children-watch just to name a few. It's an international app that brings you information in European countries, North America and even Asia. Beat the heat and save money!
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Night Camera+
Did you ever want to take a picture of that raccoon rummaging through your garbage at night? Maybe you want to capture fun moments with your friends on a night on the town? Now you can with Night Camera+, which uses a special exposure mode and software post-processing to greatly reduce the blur effects and improve dynamic range. It gets rid of blur and noise, offers full-resolution, as well as low light technique. Shutter-bugs, welcome to the night!
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Now play Temple Run (or any other game) for hours and still keep your battery life! I've often used my smartphone for games and later on, was left with a dead phone stuck in the middle of nowhere. Don't let this happen to you! It's proactive approach finds drainers, tells you how to reduce wakelocks, detects changes in the awake/asleep profile and gets rid of rogue apps. Now you can play hours of Benji Bananas and call your mother for a ride home!
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App Review – Highway Rider - Pedal to the metal!

Did you ever get the urge to go an a highspeed race without even a second thought? Highway Rider is exactly that! Caution: the high-speed races require fast reflexes and able hands. This game that you can play now and again gives you some readily accessible game-play. Whether it's as fun as it seems to be will be exposed in today's app test review!
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News –
Google Play Highlights the 118 Best Tablet Apps for Android

Google is finally highlighting the best tablet apps for Android on Google Play.
Apple has long touted the superiority of their tablet apps compared to those offered for Android, even going so far as to point out ugly Android tablets during their press conference for the iPad Mini.» go to News
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